Design for Circularity - Materials and manufacturing processes / Online-Seminar 4

Design for Circularity - Materials and manufacturing processes / Online-Seminar 4

Learn about materials and processes for turning Design for Circularity into tangeable products, products-service-systems and services.

In each of these areas, your customer will experience what it means to deliver Circularity and its universal benefits.


16.00 to 16.15 - Review of previous content, insights

16.15 to 16.45 - Materials and processes for sustainability: criteria, examples, assessment

16.45 to 17.15 - Materials and processes for the cycle

17.15 to 17.30 - Discussion, summary, outlook

Take advantage of Early Bird Pricing - until 28 March 2024

Early Bird (until 28 March 2024): 149 €, Normal Price 179 € (29 March to 15 April 2024)

For all prices: Participants from Germany also pay 19 % VAT. Participants from abroad do not pay VAT, but need to provide their VAT-ID.

Find more details and register at the "buchen/book" button

Interested? Send us an e-mail at or call us at + 49 221 170 550 56. We look forward welcoming you in the Online-Seminar "Design for Circularity"!

Monday, 15. April 2024
  • Monday 15 April, 16.00 to 17.30 CET, online of MS Teams

Martin Beeh
Martin Beeh
Välinge Innovation Sweden AB, beeh_innovation (Initiator der

Martin Beeh
Studies in Industrial Design (FH Darmstadt, ENSCI-Les Ateliers Paris) and Business Administration. Design Manager at Décathlon, Senior Industrial Designer and Design Manager in the Electrolux Industrial Design Team. General Manager of Material ConneXion Cologne. 2009 Foundation of beeh_innovation in Cologne. 2012 to 2015 Professor of Design Management at OWL University of Applied Sciences. 2021 Foundation of CIDI - Cologne Institute for Design and Innovation. Red Dot Product Design Award juror and member of the VDID.

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