Introduction to the Circular Economy of Plastics
The "circular economy" has gone from being a fringe topic "for the distant future" to the core concept of the paradigm shift among designers and developers. Traditional product development processes, established material applications and production forms as well as linear business models reach their limits when it comes to circular economy and circular design. Large and small companies have recognised: "circular" business models are needed.
A cornucopia of high-quality and detailed information
Specialised Seminary
1/ Information: Refreshing and expanding knowledge: Access, evaluation, prioritisation
2/ Understanding: concepts, issues and problems, speaking and decision-making skills.
3/ Empowerment: Tools and their exemplary useExamples and exercises.
4/ Cooperation: cooperation and networking of stakeholdersExchange and contacts of stakeholders from different stages of the value chain.
Expert presentations, best practice examples, discussion rounds, tools and their application in group work.
Content and added value
Specialist seminar for managers and experts from medium-sized companies, design offices, architectural offices, development offices and anyone who is professionally involved in the design, construction, production and circular economy of plastic products.
The Book (german)
Dr. Peter Orth is a chemist; with OPC - Orth Plastics Consulting he leads a group of senior consultants with decades of professional experience in leading positions in the German and European plastics industry and its associations. The main focus of his work is on innovation and sustainability in cooperation with science, industry and politics. Currently, he is working on the topics of raw material CO2, resource efficiency and circular economy.
Dipl.-Ing. Manfred Rink is a mechanical engineer; his career path took him from an automotive supplier to one of the major plastics producers. There he held various management positions. Most recently, he dealt with future trends in the plastics industry and their opportunities and risks for the company. Today, he works as a senior consultant in the areas of sustainability / circular economy in the plastics industry.